Step 4 - Render the correct blog post based on post _id

Goal: When you click on Read More, it should take you to the post.ejs page rendering the correct post using the post._id

Scroll down if you need a hint 👇

  • In home.ejs you’ll need to change the href of the anchor tag based on the post id instead of the post name.

<a href="/posts/<%=post._id%>">Read More</a>

  • In the method for the /post route, you should change the express route parameter to postId instead.

app.get("/posts/:postId", function(req, res){


  • You’ll need a constant to store the postId parameter value

const requestedPostId = req.params.postId;

  • You can use the findOne() method to find the post with a matching id in the posts collection.

Post.findOne({_id: requestedPostId}, function(err, post){ }

  • Once a matching post is found, you can render its title and content in the post.ejs page.

Post.findOne({_id: requestedPostId}, function(err, post){

   res.render("post", {

     title: post.title,

     content: post.content



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