Step 1 - Save Composed Posts with MongoDB

Goal: You should be able to go to the compose page and add a new post which will be added to your database as a new document.

Verify by going into the mongo shell and find all posts.

Scroll down for a hint 👇

  • You need to install mongoose and require it in your app.js
  • You’ll need to connect to a new database called blogDB

mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/blogDB", {useNewUrlParser: true});

  • You’ll need to create a new postSchema that contains a title and content.

const postSchema = {

 title: String,

 content: String


  • You’ll need to create a new mongoose model using the schema to define your posts collection.

const Post = mongoose.model("Post", postSchema);

  • Inside the method for your /compose route, you’ll need to create a new post document using your mongoose model.

 const post = new Post ({

   title: req.body.postTitle,

   content: req.body.postBody


  • You’ll need to save the document to your database instead of pushing to the posts array.

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