Make an Image Recognition App Like SeeFood
Tap into a Trained Neural Net to Create an Image Classification App (Swift 3 and IBM Bluemix)
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Learn to Make an Image Recognition App for the iPhone. Using Swift 3 and IBM Bluemix Image Recognition Service.
In this series, we're going to teach you how to use a pre-trained neural net to classify images using IBM Bluemix and Swift.
We'll teach you how to build an app like SeeFood (also know as Not Hotdog) from our favourite show: "Silicon Valley".
You'll learn
- How to add the IBM Watson Swift sdk using Carthage.
- How to use UIImagePickerController to tap into the camera functionality and photo album.
- How to send images to the IBM Watson Bluemix API using the swift-sdk to get instantaneous image classification.
Course Curriculum
Create an Image Classification App Like SeeFood from Silicon Valley
Available in
after you enroll
StartWhat We'll be Making (2:16)
StartHow to Install and Use Carthage as a Dependency Manager (10:07)
StartHow to Use UIImagePickerController to Setup the Camera and Photo Library Functionality (14:19)
StartLet's Classify Some Images! (8:51)
StartHow to Tidy Up the Classification Data (10:04)
StartFinishing Touches to the User Interface to Make it Look LIke the Real Deal (19:02)
Your Instructor
Hi, I'm Angela. I'm the lead mobile instructor at the App Brewery where we have over 2,000,000 students worldwide.
My first foray into programming was when I was just 12 years old, wanting to build my own Space Invaders. Since then, I've made hundreds of apps and some awesome games to boot. In my courses, you'll find lots of geeky humour but also detailed explanations and plenty of animations to make sure everything is easy to understand. I'll be there for you every step of the way.
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