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Learn App Design
App Design Course Introduction
Introduction to the App Design Course (1:41)
Why is Design Important for an App Entrepreneur? (1:32)
Designer versus Non-Designer Thinking (3:33)
Colour Theory
Understanding the Mood of Your Colour Palette (6:02)
How to Combine Colours and Formulate Colour Palettes (4:08)
Tools for Designing with Colour (2:47)
Further Reading on Designing with Colour
Introduction to Typography (0:44)
The Serif Font Family - Origins and Use (4:40)
The Sans Serif Font Family - Origins and Use (1:38)
How Typography Determines Readability (2:39)
How to Combine Fonts Like a Pro (6:00)
Further Reading about Typography
The Fundamentals of User Interface (UI) Design for Mobile
Introduction to User Interface Design (0:42)
The Tour Guide Approach to UI Design (3:11)
The Importance of Alignment (2:50)
What is Good Practice in Interaction Design? (8:25)
Colour in User Interface Design (2:16)
The Many Ways of Designing Text Overlays (3:22)
How to Be an Attention Architect (4:46)
Further Reading on User Interface Design
The Fundamentals of User Experience (UX) Design for Mobile
Introduction to User Experience Design (4:11)
Usability (5:17)
Asking for Permissions (3:14)
User Profiling (2:30)
Form vs. Function (2:18)
Consistency (2:57)
Simplicity (4:17)
Don't Make Me Think (7:27)
Onboarding (2:34)
Idiot Boxes (3:43)
Further Reading on User Experience Design
Designing for iOS vs. Android - What are the Important Differences?
Android vs. iOS Design (3:11)
Navigation (3:09)
The Devil is in the Details (1:09)
Differences in Icon Design (0:35)
Flat vs. Material Design (2:33)
Differences in Establishing Visual Hierarchy (0:44)
iOS and Android Design Guidelines (2:56)
Putting it All Together - A Step-By-Step Guide to the Mobile Design Workflow
🚩 Step 1: Design Patterns and Colour Palettes (3:29)
🚩 Step 2: How to Design User Flow Diagrams (7:56)
🚩 Step 3: How to Create Wireframes (10:33)
🚩 Step 4: How to Create Professional Mockups (5:09)
How to Use Sketch (4.1) to Create Mockups for Mobile (15:28)
How to Use Canva to Create Mockups (3:39)
Your Turn to Create Your Own Mockups (2:03)
🚩 Step 5: How to Create Animated App Prototypes (3:38)
How to Create Animated Prototypes with Keynote (8:03)
How to Create Prototypes with Marvel App (5:26)
Your Turn to Create a Prototype (1:16)
Where to Find Free-For-Commercial Use Image Assets
Where to Find Free-For-Commercial Use Icons
Keep Learning and Improving! (1:10)
Further Reading on Designing with Colour
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